NLS with its rich pool of extremely talented, skilled intellectuals can be your ideal outsourcing partner who can provide technically & commercially viable solutions to address all your staffing needs through our workforce solution called BuildYourOwnTeam@netLogic.
Strategic Account Manager that focuses on your industry and corporate culture provides a single line of communication resulting in the delivery of quality, continuity in service, and accountability.
At NLS, BuildYourOwnTeam@netLogic can partner with you to identify and set up an ideal workforce to meet your brand standards and help overcome and better manage challenges like skill scarcity, skill spread, IT cost, inflation and improper or under-utilization of resources.
HOW?- "BuildYourTeam@netLogic" helps you to design & select your IT team composition per your necessities, preferences, and expectations.
- The extended team will be available to operate on-demand, with ready infrastructure, and at highly competitive rates.
- The team works closely with your internal IT/Business teams to conduct an in-depth needs analysis, and helps them extend their capabilities and maximizes the benefits of offshore software development.
- BuildYourOwnTeam@netLogic team ensures that all necessary administrative processes like managerial supervision, communication channels and other support infrastructure are in place.
- You as a client retain the ownership of the concept, designs and source codes and other necessary documentation like copyrights, patent rights, IP rights and ownerships.
To know how we can strategically synergize, contact us now at