
What is netCTMS?

netCTMS or netLogic Clinical Trial Management Software is a hybrid application that allows you to create, manage, and release XML files for clinical trials to the (PRS) Protocol Registration System web site hassle-free.
Use of the application eliminates the overheads of managing multiple release cycles on new rules and regulations.

Who can use it?
netCTMS is ideal for use by pharmaceutical companies or universities that run clinical trials.

Why netCTMS?
netCTMS is a simple yet robust hybrid application that combines the ease of desktop interface to input clinical data coupled with an online interface to search trials, publish trial data, and to express URLs as RESTful Web Services, along with a host of other utilities to help manage your clinical trials with ease.

netCTMS can::
  1. Capture trial data from sponsors (research organizations).
  2. Map the trial data to MESH terms (MeshDB)
  3. Map the trial data to Publications (Pub-MED)
  4. Export the trial data to
  5. Map the trial data to user (patient) understandable terms
  6. Integrate the Clinical Trials (CT) information with departments:
    a.) Faculty
    b.) Departments
  7. Help Data Entry into Multiple Repositories.
  8. Help avoid Code Changes and Save Release Cycles on new rules and regulations.
  9. Express URLs as RESTful Web Services.
  10. Provide Mobile Support.
  11. Be hosted as Cloud Service (SaaS)

What Do You Want To Do?

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